Sunday, February 18, 2007

Try Bird Watching With Your Kids

In a world full of video games and little together time, it is hard for families to find time together. Bird watching with your kids is one way to get some fresh air and spend time together.

Try Bird Watching With Your Kids

Bird watching has a lot going for it when it comes to doing it as a family event. It is done outdoors, so everyone gets a bit of fresh air and some exercise. It is also inexpensive since you basically need binoculars and a journal to record your sightings. Most importantly, it provides you with a lot of time together to talk and laugh.

It is fairly amazing that we do not hear more about hand injuries with kids. The rate at which they play video games and pound those buttons is pretty amazing. I will avoid jumping into the debate on the content of video games, but what is clear is kids need to get out more instead of sitting in front of the television or computer.

As a parent you probably agree with this notion. You, however, are no off the hook. While kids may be spending endless hours playing video games, parents are equally busy. From working to running errands, weekends hardly seem like days off anymore. Heck, it is hard to find time to sit down together as a family just to have dinner.

Bird watching solves all of these problems nicely. Bird watching is a hobby, not a sport. This means there is a lot of time to just be together. You might see a lot of birds, but you might not. While fanatical birders would blanch at the thought, bird watching with your kids is not really about seeing birds. It is about being with your kids, talking to them and just spending time together. This means you need to leave the cell phone and blackberry at home.

Finding time together can be difficult these days. Take your kids out bird watching and you will have carved out your own slice of the week to just be a family. If you see some birds or get hooked on birding, all the better.

Rick Chapo is with - makers of life list journals that make great bird watching gifts.
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