Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Virginia Bird Watching
Song birds
Virginia is home to large numbers of song birds. Along the coast, marshes, wildflowers, fields and areas of brush provide ideal nesting and feeding habitat. Other songbirds inhabit the tall pine forests there. Warblers, nut hatches, sparrows, red wing blackbirds and others nest near the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coast in the summer, while cardinals, jays, woodpeckers and finches reside there during the winter months.
Shore Birds
Herons, egrets, ibises, oyster crackers, march hens and other shorebirds are frequently spotted along the marshes in places like Chincoteague, Assateague and the other barrier islands. On the beaches, dozens of species of sandpipers, plovers, gulls and terns feed, nest and raise chicks.
Birds of Prey
A number of birds of prey visit Virginia. Ospreys arrive in the spring to raise young and feed on the abundant fish stocks. As seasons change, some ospreys migrate south while other birds of prey arrive. American eagles, red tailed hawks and other large hunters are present in the fall thru spring. Other hawks such as sparrow hawks may be found year round.
Ducks, geese, brant and swans all make stops in Virginia. In the refuge, geese and swans take up residence year round. Other full time residents include black ducks, wood ducks and mallards which raise their young on the marshes of Chincoteague Island, Wallops Island and much of the Chesapeake. As autumn arrives, ducks and geese migrate into the refuges and surrounding areas of Virginia. Shoveler ducks, pintails, mallards, widgeons, teal, rudy ducks, canvasbacks, redheads, ring necked ducks, bluebills, and others fly in. Mergansers, buffleheads, goldeneyes and other diving ducks show up in the bay waters as cold weather sets in. Off the coast, rafts of sea ducks and small groups of oldsquaw ducks forage along the shoals over the winter.
Pelagic Birds
The waters off the coast are visited by up to 30 species of pelagic birds including albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters, storm-petrels, phalaropes, skuas, jaegers, gulls, terns and alcids. These birds migrate along the offshore waters far from land. Many pass off the coast and never see Virginia's beaches.
Birding Trails Florida
If you're into birding, finding new trails is always an enjoyable task. Here's a primer on birding trails in Florida.
Birding Trails – Florida
It goes without saying that Florida is a rather large state. The following birding trails represent a mere sample of what is out there, but are proven birding spots. With that being said, let's get on with it.
1. St. Joseph's Peninsula Park – Over 247 species of birds can be seen on the trails at St. Joseph's. The real attraction, however, happens every October and September. During this period, hawks and falcons are all over the park as they migrate from northern areas to the Gulf of Mexico for the winter season. You can expect to see sharp-shinned hawks, broad wing hawks and even a few copper hawks. If you're lucky, you can sight one of the smaller numbers of red-shoulder hawks, red-tail hawks and the elusive, endangered Peregrine Falcon.
2. Bahia Honda State Park – If shorebirds and wading birds are a delight to you, Bahia Honda offers birding trails with excellent sighting potential. Shorebirds include Plovers, Sanderlings and Willets to mention a few. Wading birds are plentiful and you can expect to glimpse a wide variety. Plentiful species include herons, ibis and egrets. During summer, you may be able to catch a glimpse of the endangered White crowned Pigeon in the local trees along the trail.
3. Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park – Kissimmee Prairie is very popular, so you probably already know about it. Nonetheless, in the recent past the Park has become the home of a new species, the White-Tail Kite.
4. Big Shoals State Park – Big Shoals is an excellent birding park with a wide variety of species. On the birding trails, you can expect to see egrets, hawks, owls, ducks, warblers, wrens and swallows to mention only a few. If your karma is good and you're having a good day, you may also see bald eagles, northern mockingbirds, scarlet tanagers and indigo buntings. Wild turkeys are plentiful as are wading and shore birds.
Florida is a great state for birding. This list is only a small sample of bird trails, buy should you get started on adding to your life list.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Birding Festivals Flock To The Fun
If you're in the market for a great way to spend a day, check out your local birding festivals. Most states have several fairs and festivals going on during the year, and they are an excellent way to get outside, learn something new, make new friends and have fun.
Birding festivals last from a simple one day event to a full month of outings, activities and lectures. The most common are over a weekend, and can range from small local events at a nearby park, to large-scale events that bring visitors from all over the globe, with events spread throughout an entire region. Depending on the specific event, you will have the opportunity to hear knowledgeable speakers, observe live birds up close, take guided walks, get pointers on better wildlife photography, sharpen your identification skills, share experiences with like-minded folks, and even take more exotic outings, such as birding by boat or on horseback. Often there are artists, vendors, children's activities, and the like.
Many birding festivals center on a specific event taking place in the local area, migration being a particular favorite. Another popular theme is the celebration of specific species found only locally, or perhaps in a particular abundance, such as warblers, shorebirds,cranes or hawks. Many blend other interests with birding, such as butterflies, flowers or even music.
Here is a sampling of some of the larger events that take place each spring and summer:
Birds, Blossoms & Blues Festival, Norfolk, Virginia. Field trips, walking tours, boat tours, plant sales, bluesconcerts, family festival.
Florida's First Coast Birding and Nature Festival, St. Augustine, Florida. Kayaking, walking tours, photography expeditions. Learn about outdoor photography, birding, wildlife, butterflies, and much more.
Spring Wings Bird Festival, Fallon, Nevada. Field trips, including a birding by horseback safari, airboat tour, ranch tour, photography contest, and much more.
Great River Birding and Nature Festival, Lake City, Minnesota. 3 days of birding and nature events held throughout the Mississippi River Valley of Southeast Minnesota and Southwest Wisconsin around Lake Pepin. Birding by motorboat, mini-railcar, hikes along shorelines, forests, bluff tops, lectures, and more.
Horicon Marsh Bird Festival, Wisconsin. Bird banding, birding by pontoon, hikes, talks, and the "big sit", where participants try to observe as many species as possible from a 17-foot observatory platform from midnight Friday till dark on Saturday.
Festival of Birds, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Over 170 species seen last year, field trips, frog/toad outing, workshops, exhibitors.
Cape May Spring Weekend, New Jersey. 200+ bird species, field trips, workshops, boat trips and more at the migration mainline capital of North America.
Mountain Lake Migratory Bird Festival, Pembroke, Virginia. Visit the beautiful Mountain Lake Hotel, with 2600 acres of pristine woodlands to take part in dozens of activities - field trips, workshops, fun for the kids.
Kirtland's Warbler Festival, Roscommon, Michigan. Guided tours to see the Kirtland's Warbler, nature presentations, crafts, kids' activities, photography and more.
Bar Harbor Warblers & Wildflowers, Bar Harbor, Maine. Bird walks, peregrine watches, boat rides, garden and forest tours, art exhibits.
Potholes and Prairie Birding Festival, Jamestown, North Dakota. Guided tours, workshop, wonderful prairie birding.
The Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration highlights hummingbirds in the St. Francisville area of Louisiana, including banding and workshops on how to build a hummingbird habitat in your garden.
Southwest Wings. Arizona's longest running birding festival celebrates its 15th year in Bisbee. Natural history tours, birds and butterfly tours, exhibits and programs.
You can find these birding festivals and fairs by checking birding magazines such as "Birders World" and "Audubon", by contacting your local Audubon chapter, and by searching the Internet, but the quickest way to get a comprehensive list is by scanning the Birding Event Calendar at www.BirdingResources.com.
Join the flock at your local birding festival, or migrate to a more distant event. Either choice promises a great day of birding!
Birding Trails Florida
Birding Trails – Florida
It goes without saying that Florida is a rather large state. The following birding trails represent a mere sample of what is out there, but are proven birding spots. With that being said, let’s get on with it.
1. St. Joseph’s Peninsula Park – Over 247 species of birds can be seen on the trails at St. Joseph’s. The real attraction, however, happens every October and September. During this period, hawks and falcons are all over the park as they migrate from northern areas to the Gulf of Mexico for the winter season. You can expect to see sharp-shinned hawks, broad wing hawks and even a few copper hawks. If you’re lucky, you can sight one of the smaller numbers of red-shoulder hawks, red-tail hawks and the elusive, endangered Peregrine Falcon.
2. Bahia Honda State Park – If shorebirds and wading birds are a delight to you, Bahia Honda offers birding trails with excellent sighting potential. Shorebirds include Plovers, Sanderlings and Willets to mention a few. Wading birds are plentiful and you can expect to glimpse a wide variety. Plentiful species include herons, ibis and egrets. During summer, you may be able to catch a glimpse of the endangered White crowned Pigeon in the local trees along the trail.
3. Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park – Kissimmee Prairie is very popular, so you probably already know about it. Nonetheless, in the recent past the Park has become the home of a new species, the White-Tail Kite.
4. Big Shoals State Park – Big Shoals is an excellent birding park with a wide variety of species. On the birding trails, you can expect to see egrets, hawks, owls, ducks, warblers, wrens and swallows to mention only a few. If your karma is good and you’re having a good day, you may also see bald eagles, northern mockingbirds, scarlet tanagers and indigo buntings. Wild turkeys are plentiful as are wading and shore birds.
Florida is a great state for birding. This list is only a small sample of bird trails, buy should you get started on adding to your life list.
Birding Trails Florida
Birding Trails – Florida
It goes without saying that Florida is a rather large state. The following birding trails represent a mere sample of what is out there, but are proven birding spots. With that being said, let’s get on with it.
1. St. Joseph’s Peninsula Park – Over 247 species of birds can be seen on the trails at St. Joseph’s. The real attraction, however, happens every October and September. During this period, hawks and falcons are all over the park as they migrate from northern areas to the Gulf of Mexico for the winter season. You can expect to see sharp-shinned hawks, broad wing hawks and even a few copper hawks. If you’re lucky, you can sight one of the smaller numbers of red-shoulder hawks, red-tail hawks and the elusive, endangered Peregrine Falcon.
2. Bahia Honda State Park – If shorebirds and wading birds are a delight to you, Bahia Honda offers birding trails with excellent sighting potential. Shorebirds include Plovers, Sanderlings and Willets to mention a few. Wading birds are plentiful and you can expect to glimpse a wide variety. Plentiful species include herons, ibis and egrets. During summer, you may be able to catch a glimpse of the endangered White crowned Pigeon in the local trees along the trail.
3. Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park – Kissimmee Prairie is very popular, so you probably already know about it. Nonetheless, in the recent past the Park has become the home of a new species, the White-Tail Kite.
4. Big Shoals State Park – Big Shoals is an excellent birding park with a wide variety of species. On the birding trails, you can expect to see egrets, hawks, owls, ducks, warblers, wrens and swallows to mention only a few. If your karma is good and you’re having a good day, you may also see bald eagles, northern mockingbirds, scarlet tanagers and indigo buntings. Wild turkeys are plentiful as are wading and shore birds.
Florida is a great state for birding. This list is only a small sample of bird trails, buy should you get started on adding to your life list.
Bird Watching Or Birding
The use of the shortened term birding was most commonly used originally in America, whereas in the UK it was referred to as bird watching. But in the UK a third term is also widely recognised to distinguish someone as a person who watches birds and that is twitching. However, there are now three different definitions widely accepted for the three different terms, those being that birding refers to someone who watches wild birds for pleasure, bird watching is for those amateurs who study birds but who do so for their own purposes and who are not professionals in the field, and that twitching is undertaken to compile a long list of all the wild birds which have ever been seen in a particular geographic location. For those among you who participate in this hobby, you should now be able to work out which specific type of bird watcher you are!
Typically speaking, the hobby of bird watching has not had a very good press. Often seen to be the hobby of the geek, it is little known that there are actually some celebrity fans who don their binoculars to look at birds of the feathered variety. Former US president Jimmy Carter enjoyed relaxing with nature while bird watching, as did former UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson. It is also a little known fact that Ian Fleming’s most famous creation, James Bond, was named after a famous ornithologist of the same name. Suddenly the hobby seems much cooler…..!
Amateur bird watchers have also been responsible for some impressive finds over the years. The spotting of a rare species has been known to cause many professionals to descend on an area and conservational work has been undertaken as a result of the discoveries.
Bird watching is incredibly popular and it is a great way for people to get out and explore nature first hand. The best time of day for bird watching is thought to be for the first few hours after the sun rises as it is when the birds are at their most hungry and so are more visible and slightly less wary. Bird watchers often situate themselves in a hide, which is usually an enclosed hut with small spaces to view outside, so they have a good view of the surrounding area but they are largely hidden from the birds, preventing them from scaring them off.
Birding Where to Find the Birds
Birding – Where to Find the Birds
Whether you are traveling to a far off land or just walking around your neighborhood, you can find prime bird watching spots by following a few general rules. Birds tend to be creatures of habit [or habitat] much like humans. Specifically, certain birds always seem to show up in the same types of places. This gives you a little insight to when and where you can catch a view of them.
Alas, wooded areas are harder and harder to find as civilization spreads its winds in community developments. Urban sprawl has definitely taken a bit out of natural wooded areas. If you are fortunate enough to still live near some, you can find a bevy of sightings along the border of such areas. Obviously, bird species are different in every part of the country, but you can expect to see at least some of the following species – flycatchers, warblers, owls and the occasional hawk.
If you live along the coast of the ocean, you probably already know that sightings are as easy as heading to the beach. Since you need to go early for the best sightings, you get the extra advantage of finding a prime parking spot during the busy summer months. Depending on the habitat along your coast, you can expect to see some form of sandpipers, plovers and many other shorebirds. If you are lucky, herons and egrets may be in your area as well.
If you live near marshes or flooded areas, you are probably sick of mosquitoes and the like. The good news is you are in prime birding land. Where there are bugs, there are birds galore. You can expect to see species such as bitterns, blackbirds, wrens, sparrows, flycatchers and warblers. Just make sure you take the bug repellant with you!
As an aside, there are some man made areas that are excellent for birding. If you live near a dam, winter viewing can be excellent. For non-migratory birds, the flowing water around dams is an attraction.
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Many Pleasures of Bird Watching
What type of person likes to watch birds? Just like most hobbies, bird watching can be enjoyed by anyone young or old.
Essentially if you have an appreciation for nature, more specifically sitting outside watching the trees sway, the birds chirping etc, you may enjoy bird watching too.
A few other reasons why people like to watch birds are:
It's relaxing
You can get closer to nature
It's challenging
It's invigorating
It's good exercise
An excellent social activity
Now bird watching isn't for everyone but you will never know if you don't give it a go. The great thing about bird watching is that it's not an expensive hobby. All you really need is a pair of binoculars and a few other items.
The main item all bird watchers need is their own pair of binoculars. Sure you can share with a friend but you'll get much more out of the experience if you have your own. Binoculars are very useful in that they allow you to see better angles of a bird, they provide excellent clarity and will make it easier for you to identify a bird and take notes if needed.
As for which type of binoculars you should use, any pair is better than nothing. However if you want to get serious and get the full enjoyment out of bird watching, than having a good pair of binoculars is essential. A couple of reputable brands are Eagle Optics and Audubon Equinox.
If the thought of having a pair of "mini binoculars" which you can carry in your pocket and take everywhere you go sounds good, than you are in luck! Smaller sized binoculars are available which are called pocket binoculars. Pocket binoculars have a sharp and clear image, so don't let their small size.
Field Guide
A field guide is essentially a book which is packed with bird information and is the ideal resource for your bird watching expeditions. Some of the information provided is general knowledge on each bird, interesting facts and they're useful as they make it easy for bird watchers to identify a particular bird.
Having a notebook with you while bird watching is handy as it allows you to take notes on the birds you have seen. It's up to you what you decide to take note of, however most people take note of special details of the birds they have seen, the area which they were spotted and any other important details.
There are 2 main types of apparel bird watchers can invest in. First is a hat (any hat will do) The hat is mainly to do with protecting yourself from the sun, but believe me when I tell you that you wont be complaining if a bird decides to poo on your hat instead of your head!
The other item which is optional but very handy is a birding vest. You can place your binoculars and other equipment in the pockets.
The popularity of bird watching continues to rise and is definitely something worthwhile pursuing even if you have the smallest hint of interest. It's inexpensive, interesting, good for your health and you don't need to know anything about birds, so why not give it a go.
Enjoy the Outer Banks Year Round with Area Festivals
Bird watchers and birding enthusiasts will want to take note of two particular events. The annual Wings Over Water weekend is designed to educate visitors on the natural preserves in the Outer Banks. Thought the area was just beach...think again! The Carolina coast is home to a number of marshes and wildlife refuges. At Wings Over Water and at the annual Purple Martin Roost Festival people can learn how to preserve this fragile environment while also enjoying the natural beauty of the area. Wings Over Water is held normally in early May, while the Purple Martin festival, celebrating the delightful little birds of the same name, happens in Manteo in August.
Another favorite natural attraction of the Outer Banks are the wild mustangs that roam the shores of Currituck. Unstabled and unmarked, these horses fend for themselves and frolic on the beaches. If you stay in Currituck you may embark on a guided Jeep tour to see these horses in their natural habit, and if you happen to be here in June you can celebrate Wild Horse Days with the family. Proceeds from the festival benefit the horses, preserving the remaining herds for future generations.
June is also roughly the time of the Dare Days Festival, a days long celebration of Dare County heritage. As one of the first counties founded in North Carolina, Dare Days bring to light the colonial history of the area and its importance in the shaping of our nation. Later in August, the story of Virginia Dare, the first English settler born in the New World in reenacted in a special presentation of The Lost Colony, the longest running outdoor drama in the Carolinas.
And, if you have a taste for best of the Outer Banks, summer's end bring the annual Knotts Island Peach Festival. For two days the island is alive with music and fun, and everything peachy! Guests may pick from the orchards or sample baked goods, maybe even a sip of peach wine. Speaking of wine, stay into October and you can enjoy the annual Currituck Food and Wine Festival. Here the local vineyards come together to share the year's harvest and wine lovers can try sweet muscadine wines, fruity dessert wines, and local cuisine.
The Outer Banks is a festive place to visit, no matter the time. Plan your vacation to the northern shore accordingly and you will find more than just beach and sunshine, but many opportunities to learn, have fun, and celebrate!
Bird Watching A Brief Synopsis
Bird watching is a self-explained term. However, the more scientific version of the word is ornithology (a study and observation of birds). The American version of the same is 'birding'. Birding is the same as that of ornithology, the only difference being it is more of an 'amateurish' activity. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to assume that the 'amateur' tag lessens the enthusiasm or the efficacy of the activity, in any extent.
One day birding competition called the 'Big-Day' is a common phenomenon in the North America. The one-day, World-series of Birding, held in New Jersey in May and the five-day Great Texas Birding Classic held in April are the two, most famous birding competitions of North America.
A slightly different take on the general activity of bird watching is known as 'twitching'. 'Twitching' is the pursuit of previously spotted rare birds. It is more popular in countries like England, Ireland and the Netherlands, possibly due to their geographical extent which can be easily traversed.
Bird watching can also be a way to bring fun and learning at the basic level. It is a great family activity which can be de-stressing as well as a wonderful way to bond with the nature, as well as with each other.
It has been seen as an alarming fact that kids everywhere in the world are slowly getting detached from their immediate natural surrounding. For e.g., American kids may be aware of the flora and fauna of Africa, as it is a part of their school curriculum, and yet remain blissfully unaware about the birds in their own backyards.
A bird watching activity with the family is fast becoming a popular way to unwind. The edge of the activity is further strengthened by the educational aspect of the act.
Simple field glasses and an introductory book of the birds are all that is required for this fascinating activity. And the best part is that it can begin at one's backyard.
The Eagle Optics Energy Binoculars are good for a start-up. One can graduate to more expensive versions of the equipment as one's initial interest blossom into something more concrete.
The Best Places To Bird Watch
If you are a bird connoisseur or just a fly-by-night spectator, knowing which places will make spectacular bird watching experiences is important. We will now find out what locations are perfect to watch our beautiful winged friends.
Hot Destinations For A Bird Watching Crew
Beautiful birds of all shapes and sizes can be seen all across North America and the world. Finding a proper resting place to watch these creatures is important, as you do not want to disturb the delicate balance or the daily routines of the birds. Staying incognito is a good idea while bird watching, as well as staying quiet so as not to frighten the birds. Different seasons provide a considerable variation in what type of birds you will see, as well as migration patterns. Even rare birds can be spotted from time to time in locations that they do not ordinarily live.
Alaska is one state in North America where bird watching is a thing of grandeur. Attu Island is one province that is worth the trip. From here, you can truly see a world of bird varieties, including rare migrants who seldom live in this climate. The weather conditions in Alaska make it difficult to withstand the cold, yet for the true bird enthusiast, this is a destination you do not want to miss. Banff National Park and Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada is one of the most gorgeous places in the Canadian Rockies. More than 260 species of birds have been seen here, and it is even good to go in the wintertime as well.
In California, many birds in migration can be spotted at Joshua Tree, which is a desert-like environment. There are many eastern vagrant birds that travel to this location and wind up staying.
Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp is a famous wetland in the United States and is home to many special birds such as the Red-cockaded Woodpecker and the Bachman's Sparrow. These varieties cannot be seen elsewhere, so they are a treat to behold in this marshy and humid place.
Exploring the many wonderful bird watching locations provides adventure and memories galore. This is what makes bird watching a worthwhile pursuit and a relaxing hobby.
How Birding Binoculars Help You Track Your Feathered Friends
Bird watching is a popular hobby that combines the benefits of light outdoor exercise with the fascination of discovering a wide range of colorful and intriguing wildlife. And because the bird population tends to change with the weather and the time of year, there are always new sightings and studies to be made.
If you enjoy country walks, your local nature conservation center may offer the opportunity to participate in group outings to watch the movement and behavior of birds in their natural habitat. Having your own set of binoculars suitable for bird watching is a must, as you'll want to be able to zoom in on interesting specimens as they fly into view.
So how are you to go about choosing the best birding binoculars to suit your budget? Perhaps one of the most important factors in selecting the right pair for your needs is to understand the way that binoculars are rated and to know which features will matter most for your hobby. Take account of the way you will be using your equipment to decide on the most important criteria for you:
1. Portability: You're likely to be carrying them around for extended periods -- maybe all day. So you need to have binoculars that are sufficiently light, without sacrificing performance or sturdiness.
2. Magnification Power: Binoculars are normally given a designation of two numbers (for example, 8x40). The first number shows the magnification, while the second gives the objective lens diameter, or aperture. A magnification power of 7 or 8 may be sufficient for observation in woodland, unless you also intend to do long distance viewing or have a special need or interest in seeing detail.
3. Width of Field: The width of viewing area is important for several purposes, such as catching sight of fast moving birds or large flocks. In general, the width of field diminishes at greater magnification, but it is also dependent on various features of the optical system inside the scopes.
4. Coatings on Optics: Many models offer a multi-coating feature which can help to minimize light loss as the image is transmitted through the lenses and prisms inside the equipment.
5. Eye Relief: Anyone who wears glasses will be grateful not to have to remove them in order to see into an eyepiece! The eye relief figure indicates how far behind the eyepiece the field of view stays visible. This measurement can be used to compare different models and their suitability for those who normally wear spectacles or sunglasses.
A field guide and a good pair of binoculars can greatly enhance your enjoyment of birdwatching as a relaxing and diverting hobby.
Digital Camera Binoculars for Birding and Traveling
Choosing the best digital camera binoculars
Binoculars and digital camera combos can be very expensive, but depending on the power and features you can find reasonably priced models as well. You should look at different brands and models before you make your choice. Even the cheaper models usually provide sharp quality picture. They are also waterproof and have wide scratch proof lenses. The main difference between high priced binoculars with built in digital camera and cheaper ones is the power and the amount of digital zoom.
Some binoculars and digital camera combos also allow you to record short video. Even though the video is only about 30-60 seconds long, this feature is great for bird watching and nature observation.
Night vision binoculars with digital camera
For those who love watching nature at night, a night vision binoculars can be very useful. The image recorded is not as clear as when you shot during the day, but it is reasonably accurate. The only draw back of night binoculars is their price - they are much more expensive than ordinary day time camera binoculars.
Many ways to use camera binoculars
Binoculars and digital camera combo can be great when you go to a guided nature observation tour. Such tours are conducted in many exotic countries and you can photograph birds high in trees or animals far away.
Also binoculars with a camera can be educational to your kids. For this purpose go with a cheap model, that doesn't provide too much zoom. It would be great fun for your children anyway.
Buying camera binoculars with discount
If you want to save on your binoculars it makes cense to buy it online. You can compare prices in ordinary shops and in several online binoculars stores, but usually online you can get the same model 30-40% cheaper. This would be a great saving if we are talking about expensive brand name binoculars from Barska, Bushnell, Celestron or Pentax.
Another way to save is to look for models that have been on the market for a while. New binoculars with the latest features are expensive. Older ones can be twice cheaper, but almost as good.
After you finalize the features you want your new digital camera binoculars to have, compare products with similar features by different brands. You will be surprised to find out how different the prices are. It also makes since to look for reviews of several different camera binoculars
Bahamas Paradise
There are a lot of things to do in this tropical paradise. Anyone in search of the perfect beach should start here. The relatively small islands offers amazing beaches like Treasure Cay Beach considered by National Geographic one of the best in the world or like Pink Sands Beach rated as one of the Caribbean's best beaches by Caribbean Travel and Life magazine. If you get bored you can explore the amazing reefs, wrecks, and coral walls of Atlantic. There are numerous companies the offers dive and snorkel trips. Also let's not forget about dolphin encounters adventures. For fishermen the Bahamas islands are a true paradise. The Bahamas islands are among the premier destinations in the world for sport fishing including bone fishing and fly fishing. The Andros Island is also called The Bahamas Bone Fishing Capital and there are numerous guides and fishing lounges in the area. The islands are surrounded by hundreds of miles of soft and hard bottom flats, creek channels and ocean drop off. You can catch jacks, barracudas and many more species.
Sailing finds an ideal location in The Bahamas. Each major island hosts its own regatta. The contests are taking place in late summer; the best are to be found on Exuma, Long Island, Nassau/Paradise Island or Freeport/Lucaya.
Also the islands are a great place for birding. One of the top destinations for ecotourism is Abaco National Park. The park is located in the southern part of Great Abaco Island in Bahamas between Hole in the Wall and Crossing Rocks. You can expect to see warblers, yellowthroats, West Indian woodpeckers, swallows and Cuban Emeralds and also hardwood forests, nature trails and wild Atlantic coast scenery, and fauna include butterflies, egrets, herons, spoonbills and rare hummingbirds. You can explore the natural beauty of these islands by plane or by bicycle. Or you can chose a round of golf, a set of tennis, or a visit to any of the island's shopping arcades or casinos.
Many people get married in this tropical paradise. Just image you and your life partner on a pristine beach. Many hotels offer event spaces and they will also help you with your paper works and weeding planning. Bahamian culture is a mixture of African, European and indigenous forms. The most famous export is a rhythmic form of music called junknaoo. The diverse cultural history of The Bahamas nurtures an equally diverse calendar of festivals. The Junkanoo Summer Festival will show you a part of the Bahamian culture and at that time you can party Bahamian style with the locals dancing in the streets. An unforgettable way to experience Bahamian culture is through cuisine. Seafood is the staple of the Bahamian diet and no matter where you are you will find plenty of restaurants serving Bahamian cuisine and fresh local seafood.
Bahamas attractions include various historical places. Fort Charlotte, Fort Fincastle and Fort Montage from New Providence are one of the main historical attractions and will show you how life was 300 yeas ago. For golf lovers Bahamas offers various courses designed by some of the best in the business. Many of these golf courses offers full satisfaction and amazing ocean views .If you like party until late you have plenty of nightclubs at your disposal. You can enjoy a variety of sports from tennis to cricket. Cricket is the national sports and s season runs March through November and you can watch the games every Saturday and Sunday at Haynes Oval on West Bay Street, on Nassau/Nassau/Paradise Island.
This was just a very short description of Bahamas. The sun, the ocean and the beaches make the islands a perfect destination for your vacations. You can find many information over the internet and see just a small part of the islands beauty. For the real thing go visit Bahamas.